Jubilee Life Insurance Commended for Promoting Gender Equality

Dar es Salaam Tuesday, 12th March 2024… Jubilee Life Insurance has won The Citizen Rising Woman 2024 Award, in recognition of the company’s commitment to promote gender equality within its organizational framework.

The Citizen Rising Woman Award seeks to honor organizations with structures in place to promote gender equality at the workplace. The initiative also recognizes companies that have women representation in management and decision-making positions.

Gender equality in the workplace has emerged as a prominent global issue, underscored by Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5, which advocates for the attainment of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. This agenda transcends geographical boundaries, resonating with organizations, governments and societies worldwide. The pursuit of gender equality in the workplace encompasses various facets such as representation in leadership roles, elimination of discrimination as well as the promotion of inclusive policies and practices.

While commenting about the award, Jubilee Life Insurance CEO Helena Mzena noted that winning the award during Women’s Month is an immense honor and a validation of the progress being made in advancing the gender agenda within the workplace.

“I am honored to accept the Rising Woman Award, a testament to our company’s unwavering dedication to diversity and inclusivity. This recognition is particularly meaningful as it marks the second time our company has been honored with this prestigious award. We will continue to foster an environment where every individual’s talent and perspective are valued and celebrated,” said Helena.

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