Combating Rising Mental Health Illnesses

At some point in our lives, most of us have been affected by mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. Regardless of their severity, mental health issues are challenging to deal with. 

The World Health Organization estimates that globally one out of every four people will be impacted by mental illness at some point in their lives. 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In Tanzania, 5 out of 100,000 people have committed suicide out of mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and drug abuse.  

Despite the worrying prevalence of mental health conditions, affected individuals and families continue to face the stigma associated with mental illness. This escalates isolation and the feeling of hopelessness, causing many people to deny or hide their condition from others.  

The solitude of the mental illness journey causes many to suffer in silence, prompting affected individuals to seek self-medication and drug abuse. This exacerbates existing conditions making recovery more difficult.  

Although much effort has been made in recent years to raise awareness around mental health, much is still needed to support families affected by mental illnesses. To make the recovery journey more manageable, we must begin to show compassion to those affected and their families. Information should also be made available on how and where to access mental health services.  

Additionally, different health players must urgently come together to provide health solutions that allow people to prevent, treat and manage mental illness. Majority of Tanzanians make out-of-pocket payments to meet their healthcare expenses.  Healthcare spending continues to push almost a million people into poverty every year while hindering many others from accessing healthcare because they cannot afford it. 

Collaboration between the public and private sectors will bridge the gaps in healthcare access. Healthcare stakeholders must prioritize the development of practical and affordable solutions that enable everyone to have access to quality mental healthcare.  

Jubilee Health Insurance has designed solutions, such as J-Care Medical Cover, to provide coverage for mental health services. Such innovative products will go a long way in delivering value-based care and outcomes.  

In the face of escalating mental health challenges, let us all unite in a collective effort to combat these prevalent illnesses. We all have a role to play in breaking down the barriers and stigma surrounding mental health. By coming together with empathy, understanding, and support, we can create a society where individuals feel safe and empowered to seek help when needed.  

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